The effectiveness of EQSHK Ltd develops on the concept of “Costs Zero”: no fixed salary or reimbursement of expenses (if not directly and previously invoiced to the customer) are paid. Even the cost concerning the company secretary, are avoid thanks to the fact that this function is made internally by one of the shareholders. The operation to “Costs Zero” guarantees in an unequivocal way each member operator who has decided to invest and create your own career opportunities in EQS. The gains of each operator (Administrator included) are paid in the form of commissions according to the following scheme.
Operating Scheme for the payment of commissions
The operators working in the company are the following:
Sole Director and Chief Engineer
This function has the powers of the sole administrator according to the Statute and, as limit, the only payment of commissions attached below in quality of Technical -Operator -Shareholder.
Technical -Operator -Shareholder (SOT)
This operator has shareholdings and professional skills to conduct a practice of certification from the request of the customer up to the issuance of the final certificate. For this activity is entitled to a commission equal to 50% of profits EQSHK achieved on the basis of the practice itself net of each expenditure.
Technical-Operator (OT)
This operator has professional skills to conduct a practice of certification from the request of the customer up to the issuance of the final certificate. For this activity is entitled to a commission equal to 40% of profits EQSHK achieved on the basis of the practice itself net of each expenditure.
Agent (AG)
The Agent receives a commission equal to 20% of EQSHK profits achieved on the basis of the project at net of each expenditure. His task is to propose the EQSHK services and, once contacted the customer, to pass the contact to the Chief Engineer.
The function of Technical Operator (or SOT), shall be appointed by the Chief Engineer according to his discretion. The operator are also interchangeable and may be combined depending on the activity of the customer. In fact, it may happen that a Technical Operator is also the Agent for a customer (because it has been found by himself), this means that you are entitled to the sum of the two commissions referred to above, i.e. 60% of the EQSHK profit as described above. The same, however, can also not be able to follow a certification project entrusted by the customer (for lack of expertise or simply time), in this case will remain owner of the quota for the Agent, while the practice itself will be entrusted to another technician. The same agents can suck the qualification of Technical Operator if they have made the necessery experiance in that field and in any case, if – and only if – appointed by the Chief Engineer; in addition, through the acquisition of shares, become Technical -Operator -Shareholder. There is no function of Agent -Shareholder.
Below is a brief diagram, as example, to sum up what has been said above:

In the example above, in case “a” Braia Nunzio is entitled to the 70% of the profits at net of each expenditure. In the case “b”, Braia Nunzio is entitled for the 20% (as Agent only) where Caio is entitled for the 40% (as Technical Operator). In case “c”, Tizio is the Agent (20%) and Sempronio is the Technical Operator, who is also a shareolder, so he is entitled for the 50% of the profits according the General Regulamentation.
EQS is willing to consider any proposal for opening new franchise locations.