What is the EQSgreen mark?
The EQSgreen mark helps you identify products and services that have a reduced environmental impact throughout their life cycle, from the extraction of raw material through to production, use and disposal.
EQSgreen mark is a voluntary label promoting environmental excellence which can be trusted.
EQSgreen & Ecolabel
Ecolabel, the eco-label represented by a daisy, is a European trademark volunteer used to certify (according to the EC Regulation n. 66/2010) the reduced environmental impact of the products or services offered by companies that have obtained the use, in compliance with specific environmental criteria, agreed between all the member countries of the European Union.
In order to promote the environmental sustainability, the trademark EQSgreen is not in competition with the Ecolabel certification but supports it, placing itself as a bridge between the existing situation and the satisfaction of the requirements for obtaining of Ecolabel with respect to each specific regulation (for this reason, the companies that have already obtained the ECOLABEL CERTIFICATION may obtain the trademark EQSgreen without any additional cost).
EQSgreen can be considered a trademark of “accompaniment”, according to the procedures laid down in the individual specific Protocols, toward the achievement of the objective ECOLABEL and completion for those products and services for which there is not yet an eco-label Regulation.
How to obtain and maintain the mark
They can get the green mark EQSgreen all products and companies that commit themselves to implement the program of environmental policy provided for in the Protocol specific and that demonstrate sensitivity toward the issues related to protection of the environment (differentiated waste collection, energy efficiency, renewable energy sources, use of natural materials, reduction in the consumption of water, organic food and km zero, typical products and local) together with a clear determination to offer the customer a transparent service.
EQS performs periodic inspections and advise the applicant of the results of his investigations.
The checks, which will focus on all aspects relating to the requirements, will have to demonstrate that remained unchanged the conditions that have enabled the initial release of the ecological certification and that in the meantime have been implemented in those environmental policies to improve established in the previous inspection visit or other, of equal environmental impact.
The advantages for companies of tourist accommodation and eco-certified products
Companies with a look to the future can help to create a responsible consumer, ensuring compliance with laws and transparency, and establishing a new relationship of trust. Means for companies to invest in quality and not only in low prices, contributing to the creation of a new mentality that is the prerequisite for a sustainable globalisation.
Ensure that the tourist holiday will be a low environmental impact means first share with him not only ecological rules, but an innovative project for sustainable development of the territory.
The benefits for those structures that decide to adopt environmental measures are also economic in nature, linked to:
- Eco-efficiency (using natural materials and efficient use of resources: energy savings by optimizing the power consumption and water, reducing the costs by recycling and reusing materials, minimizing packaging, say, adding more value to a good service by using less and less resources and less polluting).
- Reduction of environmental risks (and consequent reduction of insurance cost).
- Advertising and improvement of the image (in relation to customers, investors and the media, with a consequent economic return).
- Obtain specific loans (relating to the installation of plants by renewable energy sources and energy efficiency initiatives: photovoltaic, solar thermal, air conditioners with high energy efficiency, condensing boilers).
Useful Links
www.ecolabel.it | www.hotelecolabel.it | www.isprambiente.gov.it/it